Strange (2022) Issue 10 Review

Covers The main cover is by artist Lee Garbett. While Garbett uses a rather standard design and color palette it (debatably) still has a unique feel about it. Artist Iban Coello and colorist Alejandro Sánchez create a variant cover that has medium-level reliance on supernatural fantasy elements. Though the colors and overall design are eye-catching […]

Strange (2022) Issue 9 Review

Covers Artist Lee Garbett creates a nice design that features Dr. Stephen and Clea Strange apparently dancing. Garbett also adds symbols to create a somewhat mystic feel. The variant cover by artist Mark Chiarello features a relatively unique design. It feels and looks different due to the line work and coloring. Story Artist Marcelo Ferriera […]

Strange (2022) Issue 8 Review

Covers Artist Lee Garbett is responsible for the main cover. It shows a creative use of negative space with a character appearing from it. The character poses suggest mysticism and horror. There is a considerable amount of texture with the cape. All said this is a very high quality piece of art. Artist Greg Land […]

Strange (2022) Issue 7 Review

Covers Artist Lee Garbett does a mix between unique and standard for the design. The negative space being black helps enhance the visuals on the red cloak. The variant cover that artist Luciano Vecchio creates features a standard design. However, the application and range of the color palette is amazing. Artist Alan Davis and colorist […]

Strange (2022) Issue 6 Review

Covers Artist Lee Garbett is responsible for the creation of the main cover. The design very much fits this issue’s narrative with the overall look harkening back to 1950s to 1970s noir movie posters. The color palette is a nice range of solid and ethereal hues. While the placement of the characters and text definitely […]

Strange (2022) Issue 5 Review

Covers Artist Lee Garbett does a mostly high quality job with the main cover. There is a great amount of depth that is visible. Also the proportions are believable from the perspective of the figurative camera. Yet, the design is rather standard. Not to mention the color palette has too much grey and green to […]

Strange (2022) Issue 4 Review

Covers Artist Lee Garbett uses a rather standard design. However, Garbett’s positioning of Shadow Knight’s cape helps the logo pop. The variant cover features the work of artist Logan Lubera and colorist Rachelle Rosenberg. While the background and colors look exceptional, and come off as different to most covers, the pose is somewhat standard. Story […]

Strange (2022) Issue 3 Review

Covers Artist Björn Barends creates a cover that appropriately ties in to the ongoing story. It also features some great computer generated art with nice texture. The variant cover by artist Ema Lupacchino and colorist David Curiel feels a bit generic in terms of design. However, the color palette and line work are high quality. […]

Strange (2022) Issue 2 Review

Covers The main cover by artist Björn Barends displays a deep understanding of digital artistry. There is also a great understanding of how to create a reflection and reflective surface. However, the additional text announcing the new character does take away from the effectiveness of the visuals. While the variant cover artist Stephanie Hans creates […]