Scarlet Witch (2023) Issue 8 Review


Main cover artist Russell Dauterman goes for a romance genre style for the design. It has a nice bit of subtlety with the hands suggesting betrayal.

The variant covers are by artist W. Scott Forbes and Oscar Vega, respectively. Forbes goes for what appears to be some kind of reference with the poses. Yet, I can’t recall which movie, if any, this variant cover may be referencing. Overall Forbes does a high quality job. However, Vega does an arguably better job due to the hidden details of Wanda and Loki in the headwear. Also Vega’s color work seems more striking to this reviewer.


Writer Steve Orlando creates an interesting variation on a talking heads type comic. Artists Lorenzo Tammetta and Sara Pichelli provide mostly excellent line work. Colorist Frank William does a good enough job with the color palette. However, William seems to have some trouble with the consistency of skin pigmentations. Letterer Cory Petit arguably goes a little bit too long with some of the anchors, but otherwise does a commendable job. Finally production designer/Illustrator Anthony Gambino continues to do a nice job with the recap and end pages.

Three steps above barely recommended status.