My Personal Top 5 Picks Of Comics Media Of 2022

  1. Mega Centurions (2022) published by Scout Comics is one of the better independent/small press comics I have ever seen. For more of my thoughts on it you can read the reviews I wrote for each of the five issues on
  2. Dragon Ball Super Super Hero is arguably one of the better Dragon Ball movies. This is in part to the very detailed animation. Not to mention the amount of focus on characters who usually get pushed to the side is great. There is also finally some aging of certain characters’ designs which means that the franchise is gaining some more possibilities. The only downside is the pacing seems a little uneven in places during the final battle.
  3. Marvel Studios Special Presentation: Werewolf By Night is an obvious love letter to early twentieth century horror movies (Wolfman 1941). It also has great practical effects and costuming. Not to mention the pacing is nice and consistent. Characters like Elsa Bloodstone may get more focus than Jack Russell/Werewolf, but in my opinion that is true of a lot of horror movies. The ending allows for at least three possible routes to explore the ‘heroic’ characters in this presentation. While more special presentations are possible they may be guest-stars, or out-right stars, in future theatrical releases.
  4. Astro City: That Was Then… Special (2022) is very high quality on all interior creative fronts. The narrative flows very well in terms of sequencing and pacing. It raises and answers various questions while expanding the lore of this universe. There is also a supplemental text piece by writer Kurt Busiek that is in my opinion worth a read. Finally it is a bit of a love letter to the teenage sidekick concept.
  5. Strange (2022-Present) has been uneven, but entertaining. It apparently may be ending early next year, which makes me wonder if this was really meant to be a true ongoing. That all said there are various pluses to this series. This series has mostly well done issues featuring guest-stars like Marc Spector/Moon Knight to cameos by the second Thunderstrike (real name Kevin Masterson). Also the cover and interior art and colors have been very high quality. Overall this is at least an interesting, and objectively entertaining, view of the Marvel Universe.